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Monthly Archives: April 2010

Pure Austin Bridal Photography for Jessica

Classic Austin Bridal Photography suited Jessica perfectly. She’s a beautiful woman with a sweet southern personality and burnt orange coursing through her veins. She wanted a combination of classic bridal portraits with some modern bridal photography to express her personality. We started at the Downtown Austin Hilton hotel where she would be having her wedding. […]

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Pure Austin Engagement Photography for Jessica and Ryan. Hook ‘Em Horns!

Austin engagement photography was SO appropriate for this very Austin couple. Like Sae and I, Jessica and Ryan even scheduled their wedding so as not to interfere with football season. Burnt orange in their veins and southern sweetness in their hearts. Even their puppy was in the spirit, love the Longhorn jersey. Come back to […]

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One-2-One Austin Bar Downtown After Party for Karissa and Mike

They just weren’t done partying yet! And who could blame them? So we decided to tag along to the One-2-One Bar in downtown Austin for the after party. We had a great time catching these candid photographs as everyone unwound after Karissa and Mike’s wedding. Even the weather cooperated! So, one time Sae Cho and […]

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Rainy Day Wedding Photography at Mayfield Park for Karissa and Mike

Buoyant, Beautiful and Romantic. It would take more than a rainy day at Mayfield Park to dampen the joyful spirits of Karissa and Mike on their wedding day. The rain let up just long enough for this couple to get married under a tent outside and pose for all of their formal photos. It made […]

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